My my my, I can't believe it was 7 years ago today that I was giving birth for the very first time to the beautiful, 7lb 12.9 oz, 21 in. long, baby boy Jalen Rafael Baldomero. Jalen, you are truly a special child. You are so incredibly smart. You are amazing beyond words. You're handsome, smart, sweet, and all that a mother could ever ask for in a son. You're Dad and I are so proud of you. Every single day of your life you make us proud to be your parents. Your smile can light up a room and your huge heart is a gift to everyone around you. We hope you have a wonderful 7th birthday. We are so blessed to get to enjoy your day with you.
We love you so very much!
Mom and Dad
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Happy 7th Birthday My First Born Baby Boy
Posted by Allison at 6:40 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
He Found Us!
Posted by Allison at 2:03 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
My BABY's Losing Baby Teeth :(
My baby Ryan lost his first tooth on Easter! Talk about emotional! Whew, I wasn't in any way prepared for the wave of emotion that would hit me when this happened! I boo-hoo'd! I never did that with Jalen. I'm an emotional person but believe it or not, I'm pretty good at controlling it after all these years. :) Not this time. We had a full fun day and ended it with a trip to the park just us 5 and I took tons of pictures and when Eddie and I were looking back through the pictures in my camera (in the park parking lot before heading home). Eddie said, "Allison I think Ryan lost a tooth". I of course blew this off because how could I not know this! I knew Ryan wouldn't tell us when this happened so given his age, I've been paying close attention when brushing his teeth to make sure none are loose. It seemed like one or two might be a tad loose but nothing that made me think it would be any time soon! So anyway, when we got home we checked and sure enough, it was gone!! I fell to pieces because, 1) I didn't notice it sooner. 2) He's not able to tell us. 3) He's not able to understand enough to get excited about the tooth fairy. 4) He is getting so grown up and yet still just my baby! Anyway, so without any more babble about my feelings :) here's a picture of my handsome man with his first missing tooth :)
Posted by Allison at 4:29 PM 0 comments